Action on the Ground
Carbon Farming Futures
For Information of Clients of Bootstrap Environmental Services | Providing Project Soil Services
Applications for round two close 5:00pm (AEST) 23 May 2013.
Action on the Ground is a component of the Carbon Farming Futures Program and will invest up to $99 million of grant funding over six years to June 2017.
Action on the Ground assists farmers and land managers to undertake on-farm trials of abatement technologies, practices and management strategies to measure and demonstrate how these can reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions of methane and nitrous oxide or increase the sequestration of carbon in soil while maintaining farm productivity.
Under round two, individual grants up to $775 000 (GST Exclusive) are available for farmers, land managers, farming groups, researchers, industry sectors and non-government organisations to undertake projects that address at least one of the program’s three key priorities:
reduced methane emissions from livestock production systems
reduced nitrous oxide emissions
increased carbon sequestration in soils
How to apply in round two
Applicants seeking to apply for funding under round two of Action on the Ground are encouraged to read the program guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions in conjunction with the terms and conditions in the DAFF standard funding deed.Program Guidelines
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)DAFF funding deed
Once an application form has been downloaded, it can be saved to your computer and completed off-line. If you are submitting more than one application, you must download a separate application form for each proposal.
Application support notes are provided to guide you through the application form.
Application formApplication support notes PDF [2.8 MB]
Application support notes Word [1.6 MB]
On-line applications are preferred, but hard copies will be accepted. If you do not have access to the internet, you may request a hard copy application pack by calling the Action on the Ground hotline on 1800 025 005 or via email aotg.
Applicants should familiarise themselves with projects funded under the Climate Change Research Program and round one of the Filling the Research Gap and round one of Action on the Ground programs. This will ensure that new applications are underpinned by published research and will avoid direct duplication of existing projects in a region.
All projects funded under round two of Action on the Ground are required to carefully measure emissions abatement and/or soil carbon, using standard procedures.
We strongly recommend applicants review the Action on the Ground ‘Guidance for on-farm measurement of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon’.
‘Guidance for on-farm measurement of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon’ PDF [1.8 MB]
‘Guidance for on-farm measurement of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon’ Word [1.6 MB]
Applications for round two close 5:00pm (AEST) 23 May 2013.